

October is here and I thought I'd have a little fun. 
Over the years, I've collected quiet the impressive shoe collection. K I lied. My mom, my sister and I combined have collected quiet the impressive show collection. (One of the many perks to living at home.) Before winter comes and covers our streets with salt and powdered snow, I thought I'd do something special. 
#30DayShoeChallenge WADDUP
Each day I'll wear a different pair of shoes. But that won't be the hard part. I always plan my outfits then decide on my shoes but this month with have to be just the opposite. I love a challenge. Probably a little too much.
How will you know in not cheating? I'll post my #shoeoftheday on my Instagram everyday. Follow me @loveyourselfxx and see how I do! Leave comments, likes and good vibes. Lovers only please. 
Ready, set, POST!
Day one shoes now my Instagram!.
lovers only XX

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